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How to Manage Your Entire Marketing Budget [Free Budget Planner Templates]

How to Manage Your Entire Marketing Budget [Free Budget Planner Templates]

Let's say your company decided to invest in a website redesign to improve lead generation, and you're responsible for managing the project. Naturally, one of the first questions you have is, "How much is this website redesign going to cost?" The answer, of course, is "it depends." Are you simply switching to a new template and adding some new CTAs, or are you migrating your entire website to a new platform? If only there were a way to organize your answers to all of these questions — a place where you could enter in estimated costs for all of your…
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Get the Name of Your Small Business Out There

Get the Name of Your Small Business Out There

  As a small business, you are desperate to get your name out there, increase awareness, and watch the queries and customers roll in. However, it can be challenging to get the name out there if you’ve only just started, and for many, it can feel like an insurmountable task.  It doesn’t need to be, though, and there are many ways that small businesses can take advantage of what they have to spread the world and see a boost in business. Here are four things to consider.  Merchandise  Making merchandise may not seem like a profitable idea when no one…
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How to Maintain the Cash Flow to Run a Business Successfully?

How to Maintain the Cash Flow to Run a Business Successfully?

A report released by the International finance corporation (IFC) indicates that up to 35% of Indian businesses receive payments after 90 days of delivering their services/goods. A majority of the revenue remains inaccessible in the form of receivables. Partly down to the logistic and bureaucratic issues, these not only postpone critical business ventures but also affect its expansion. To maintain positive cash flow, the ratio between the gross working capital and current liabilities must be greater than 1. Here are a few ways you can maintain the required cash flow that is necessary for a successful business: Break-even point The…
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LinkedIn for colleges: Best practices for higher education

LinkedIn for colleges: Best practices for higher education

For new graduates, researching potential colleges, searching for new jobs and maintaining your alumni connections have always been a challenge. When it comes to marketing to these graduates, in addition to the monthly mailer or newsletter, there are now multitudes of social media channels that colleges can take advantage of. With its focus on professional organizations and institutions, LinkedIn has become an excellent resource to meet the needs of both prospective and current students as well as alumni on one platform. Known for establishing business connections, LinkedIn expanded into the education space by creating University Pages in 2013. The nature…
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10 Sites You Can Use for Free Blog Promotion

10 Sites You Can Use for Free Blog Promotion

As a marketer, promoting and driving traffic to your blog isn't easy. It can feel like you're talking into a void sometimes. We've all been there. However, there are almost 4.5 billion active internet users. Getting blog readers is all about promoting your content to the right people at the right place and the right time. So, how can you do that? To start, you'll need to diversify your blog promotion strategy so you can get traffic from several sources. You can get generate traffic through content aggregators, social media posts, social bookmarking, or reciprocal sharing sites. Below, let's review…
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How to Use Chatbot Technology in Healthcare Organizations [COVID-19 Symptom Checker]

How to Use Chatbot Technology in Healthcare Organizations [COVID-19 Symptom Checker]

The use of chatbot technology in healthcare organizations is still relatively new. However, with the current overload of requests and accurate information that needs to be efficiently distributed, there’s never been a time where chatbot automation was more needed for healthcare organizations. There are countless cases where a digital personal assistant or a chatbot could help physicians, nurses, patients or their families. Here are just a few ways how healthcare organizations can use chatbots during these uncertain times, and in the future: Real-time updates: Publish necessary information in a timely manner. 24/7 access: Provide self-check guidelines that users can access…
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How to Open an Online Business

How to Open an Online Business

I can't count how many times I've come up with an idea and immediately said to my friends, "I should start a business!" I never do, but if I did, I know it would be online. Why? Well, in 2018, online businesses generated over $2 billion in revenue. If shopping online wasn't as popular a couple of years ago, it definitely is now. Plus, online shopping makes the experience easier for the customer since they don't have to leave their homes to make a purchase. Another reason I would open an online store is because it would be easier for…
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Why Business & Passwords Are A Match Made In Hell

Why Business & Passwords Are A Match Made In Hell

At a time where most of your business tools are online, the average employee needs to remember over 20 different passwords. This might seem like a huge figure. But, in reality, employees in large organizations need to type 4 or 5 times the same amount of passwords in a single workday. Indeed, when you think about it, everything we do in the office is password-protected.  Checking your emails requires logging in to your mailbox.  If you’re going to keep an eye on current projects, there is probably a project management tool with a password.  Are you expecting the latest sales…
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How to Adapt Your Marketing During the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

How to Adapt Your Marketing During the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

It’s been roughly a month now since the Coronavirus started to flip our lives upside down. From having to practice social distancing and getting used to life without the outdoors to continually washing our hands and wearing masks and seeing loved ones and friends getting sick, the Coronavirus is something none of us expected. Even our businesses are suffering. Just look at the Coronavirus marketing stats I shared a few weeks ago. The results are devastating. It’s why I decided to change Ubersuggest and make it more free to help small businesses out. Since then a lot has changed and…
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