
How I Schedule and Conduct Facebook Live Webinars Using Ecamm Live

How I Schedule and Conduct Facebook Live Webinars Using Ecamm Live

  Yesterday, I walked you through how I conduct interview-style Facebook Live sessions using BeLive. Today, I wanted to show you how I set up and conduct webinar-style Facebook Live sessions for my private community. This is part of a series of posts I’ve written on a topic that’s more important now than ever, as businesses around the world are forced to prioritize communication with customers, partners, and staff online. Businesses must adapt. Read my thorough guide on all the ways I currently conduct business virtually using BeLive, Ecamm Live, GoToWebinar, GoToMeeting, Webinar Jam, Zoom, and more. For the past…
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A step-by-step guide on how to use Facebook Business Manager

A step-by-step guide on how to use Facebook Business Manager

Still managing your Facebook Pages and ad accounts through your personal account? While that’s perfectly fine if you’re single-handedly managing your own small business, the same isn’t true if you’re working with a team. Sharing logins is opening the door to security and privacy concerns, and manually adding and assigning roles to teammates on a Facebook Page can be tedious. This makes it crucial for agencies and businesses alike to use the Facebook Business Manager so they can securely manage their Facebook Pages and ad accounts in one place. If you haven’t started using the Facebook Business Manager because it…
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Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram? Which Platform(s) You Should Be On

Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram? Which Platform(s) You Should Be On

When you begin implementing a social media strategy for your business, one of the first questions you'll ask yourself is this one -- Should my business be on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram? Those three social media sites offer considerable opportunities to connect and engage with a network, increase brand awareness, and drive traffic to your site. But they're also incredibly different in terms of purpose. Ultimately, Facebook's purpose is to connect people with their friends and family. People use Facebook to share photos, videos, and general updates on their lives. Twitter, on the other hand, is used to share ideas,…
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9 Ways to Lower Your Facebook Ad Costs

9 Ways to Lower Your Facebook Ad Costs

Facebook is a compelling platform for advertisers for many reasons, including powerful targeting options and affordable costs, among others. Your Facebook ad costs, of course, will vary based on a number of factors, including your audience, industry, goals, and optimization settings. However, Dan Rohsler, social account manager at digital agency Power Digital Marketing, said it is common to expect cost per thousand impressions (CPMs) to vary between $5 and $10 and cost per click (CPC) to come in below $2. Likewise, Kevin Miller, director of growth at home-buying app Open Listings, said a safe average cost per click on Facebook for most businesses is $1.50.…
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