
Attraction Marketing: What It is & How to Master It

Attraction Marketing: What It is & How to Master It

Have you ever come across a post on LinkedIn or Instagram from your favorite celebrity or influencer, explaining how they use their own brand's services or products? You know what I'm talking about. Maybe your favorite Instagram influencer just posted a photo, with the caption explaining how the photo editing packs she curates have helped her become a better photographer. Or, perhaps it's famous chef Gordon Ramsay, with a new YouTube tutorial on how to make Holiday-themed classics — complete with expert tips — which persuades you to Google his corresponding cookbooks for more insight on how to cook like…
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A Step-by-Step Guide to Advertising on Instagram

A Step-by-Step Guide to Advertising on Instagram

With 500 million active monthly users, Instagram offers a unique opportunity for marketers to reach their target audiences through ad campaigns. The other perk of advertising on Instagram? The ads can look almost no different than regular posts, making them much less invasive than other ad types. But setting up ads on any platform requires a lot of thought: What should your target audience look like? What should your copy say? What image should you use? There are a number of ads tools available that can help you create your ads and targeted audiences, but there's still the more technical…
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How to Write Good Instagram Captions: 8 Bookmarkable Tips for Perfecting Your Copy

How to Write Good Instagram Captions: 8 Bookmarkable Tips for Perfecting Your Copy

Instagram marketing is all about the visuals. The quality of your photos will be the differentiating factor when it comes to gaining Instagram followers, getting them interested in your brand and what it's about, and showing off the human side of your business. But the hard work doesn't end once you've taken that beautiful photo and edited it to perfection. The caption of your post is where you can give a voice to that visual content. A good Instagram captions explains what the photo is about, tells your followers to take action, or cracks a joke that makes your content…
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Instagram Strategy: Growing Your Followers and Business

Instagram Strategy: Growing Your Followers and Business

  Looking for a strategic approach to organic Instagram growth? Wondering how to develop content that will grow your business and your Instagram following? To explore how to use Instagram as a hub for shareable content that leads to business growth, I interview Vanessa Lau on the Social Media Marketing Podcast. Vanessa is a community development expert who specializes in helping online coaches. Her course is The BOSSGRAM Academy. She has 200,000 subscribers on YouTube and her podcast is called Turn Your Followers Into Clients. Vanessa explains three mistakes that can derail your Instagram marketing and shares her three-step strategy…
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Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram? Which Platform(s) You Should Be On

Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram? Which Platform(s) You Should Be On

When you begin implementing a social media strategy for your business, one of the first questions you'll ask yourself is this one -- Should my business be on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram? Those three social media sites offer considerable opportunities to connect and engage with a network, increase brand awareness, and drive traffic to your site. But they're also incredibly different in terms of purpose. Ultimately, Facebook's purpose is to connect people with their friends and family. People use Facebook to share photos, videos, and general updates on their lives. Twitter, on the other hand, is used to share ideas,…
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