Social media

How COVID-19 has changed social media engagement

How COVID-19 has changed social media engagement

Earlier this year, we presented our regular update with the newest data on the simplest times to post on social media. Around nearly the identical time we published this, many individuals and organisations began working remotely, sheltering in situ and otherwise changing their behaviours to assist prevent the spread of COVID-19. As daily routines changed overnight, more of people’s’ daily and work lives shifted to online, and social media became a fair more important tool for connection. With these changes, we reviewed data from our 20,000+ customers to work out how usage of social media has changed during this point. you'll use this information to…
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Preparing for Job Interviews in 2020

Preparing for Job Interviews in 2020

When it comes to interviewing for a new job, some things never change. However, in a rapidly evolving society and work environment, it’s essential to be sure that you’re up-to-date on best practices. As the internet becomes more ingrained in daily life, 2020 promises to be an unusual year for the job market. Here are some helpful tips to help you prepare for job interviews in 2020. Review Your Resume Having an updated resume isn’t just for your future employer. Consider this invaluable document your interview cheat sheet. Take some time before your interview to review your resume and make…
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6 Social media tips for banks and financial institutions

6 Social media tips for banks and financial institutions

The best marketers are those who can make some of the most mundane subjects come to life. How do you talk about loans without making people curl up? How do you obtain younger customers and still appeal to your older ones? We know social media and banks don’t seem to go hand in hand, but they can. Because of the nuances and regulations in the banking and finance industries, your social media team should be familiar with those policies before starting on the fun content ideas. It’s a tough time for banks at the date of publishing this article. With…
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Social media crisis plan: What to do when things go wrong

Social media crisis plan: What to do when things go wrong

If you’ve never had to respond to a social media crisis, consider yourself lucky. The reality, though? Businesses both big and small need a crisis plan. Because social media meltdowns, pile-ons and controversies aren’t just reserved for the biggest companies anymore. Recent engagement statistics highlight just how quickly social media moves for modern companies. When you’re always dealing with a flood of @mentions, messages and updates, it’s clear how mistakes can get made and spiral out of control. Meanwhile, the ongoing coronavirus pandemic highlights the need for a social media crisis management plan. Brands must be more mindful than ever…
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10 Beginner Tips For New Social Media Campaigns

10 Beginner Tips For New Social Media Campaigns

The only way you can develop a social media campaign that is effective and successful is by planning. To help you get started, here are ten tips on how to create a new campaign from scratch. 1. Stick To The Promotional Rules Of The Social Media Platform You Are Using. The first thing that you need to consider is working on a social media platform that has promotional rules that you are aware of. For example, you can promote your brand on Facebook as long as you adhere to the strict rules of promotion. If you fail to abide by…
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9 Ways to Lower Your Facebook Ad Costs

9 Ways to Lower Your Facebook Ad Costs

Facebook is a compelling platform for advertisers for many reasons, including powerful targeting options and affordable costs, among others. Your Facebook ad costs, of course, will vary based on a number of factors, including your audience, industry, goals, and optimization settings. However, Dan Rohsler, social account manager at digital agency Power Digital Marketing, said it is common to expect cost per thousand impressions (CPMs) to vary between $5 and $10 and cost per click (CPC) to come in below $2. Likewise, Kevin Miller, director of growth at home-buying app Open Listings, said a safe average cost per click on Facebook for most businesses is $1.50.…
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