The One Thing You Need to Prioritize With Your SaaS SEO Strategy


These days, more and more companies are turning to SEO as one of their primary marketing channels. This is especially the case with B2B companies that work primarily with other businesses, foremost of which are SaaS companies. In the digital space, SaaS companies are unparalleled for the sheer range of software solutions that they provide, and their subscription-based software model is useful for everything from project management, to CRM, to niche professionals tools. As such, SaaS companies are well-positioned to get into the SEO game and create a comprehensive SaaS SEO strategy, as they are already providing concrete solutions to problems that people are often searching for.

As long as their software solutions are framed as solution-providers instead of just purely software, SaaS companies will have no problem generating a relevant keyword list. These keywords should not only include broader head keywords, but also niche and long tail keywords that describe problems that potential users of their software may be having. But finding keywords, developing relevant content to these keywords, and building links to this content is just not enough anymore. There is actually a pretty significant SEO factor that has become of the utmost importance relatively recently, which we’ll discuss below.

Discussing User Engagement Metrics

User engagement metrics have recently been factored in by Google to rank websites. These are all on-page factors that are not entirely within your control and include things like time spent on your site, how many pages people visit on your website and in what order or context, pageviews, page speed, and other such factors. Along with traditional search factors like keywords, content, and links, user engagement metrics make up the largest reason as to why Google may or may not see your website as worth showing in their search results.

While you can’t control everyone one of these factors, you can better optimize your website for user experience, which is where Google’s real focus lies. If, for example, your website takes forever to load, this may turn people off and cause them to exit the site immediately, If you notice that your page speed or load speed is slower than you’d like it to be, then you should hire a developer or consultant to see if this can be fixed, either by resizing images, changing up image quality, or other such factors.

While there’s no bulletproof solutions to upping your user engagement metrics, know that they are particularly important to SaaS companies who are creating a solutions-based approach to their business. If users don’t feel like a SaaS company’s website is well-structured or optimized, then it is likely that they will look elsewhere. This is the last thing that you want, and as such you need to take Google’s rankings factors seriously when creating and optimizing your SaaS website. Once this is done, you can then jump into ongoing production work such as content production and link building, but only after you have worked hard to increase the statistics of your user metrics. If the foundation of your SaaS website is poor, then both Google and users will give you a similar reception, so you need to make sure that this is in order for your SaaS company to thrive on search.

REF: Askaareonlee

By Hyper Media

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